|  I was born in New Jersey in 1957 and discovered the magic of photography when I was about 13 years old.
I graduated with a degree in Fine Arts-Photography from The George Washington University and have practiced and refined my craft ever since. Beginning in the mid 1990's, I have shown and sold my work at Art Fairs and through my website.
While other photographers have gone digital, I have not. I still enjoy coming upon the subject and waiting for the right light. I've sat for as long as 3 hours, watching as the light changed, waiting for the perfect moment. It's a feeling I can't get from Photoshop. I also still enjoy placing a sheet of exposed paper in the developer and watching the image slowly appear. After doing it, literally, thousands of times, it's still a magic moment.
When I'm not in the darkroom or coloring prints, I spend a lot of time listening to vinyl LP's (I know, I sound like a digiphobe- they do sound better than CD's) and am always willing to trade images for audiophile LP's and high-end stereo equipment.